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 7 ECOS 

Listen to the motion of a body. Feel a landscape of sounds. Look at the noise of the light. Distort the edges of consciousness. Order is organized into chaos and vice versa. 7 Ecos (7 Echoes) is a universe that vibrates, waving, resonating.

Immersing itself in the use of voice and affectation of sound, the performance emerges through perception and the possibility of the senses to shift... outside the ordinary, in the abstract field and (somehow) the perspective of the visitor.

Performers: Emiliana Abril, Nicole Bunout, Betania González, Paola Josefina, Mariela Mignot, Mercedes Mujica, Silvia Vivanco

Director: Rodrigo Chaverini

Vocal Director: Silvia Vivanco

Scenic Assistant: Exequiel Gómez

Sound Artist: Andrés Abarzúa

Lighting Design: Belén Abarza

Costume Design: Daniel Bagnara Mena

Producer: Josefina Greene


Project supported by 2015 Fondart grant 

2015 / 45' / 7+ / Team 10 people

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