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Frames, approached as a still image of a video recording, is the name of this intervention that plays with editing actions through the performance. The movement –which could be infinite– experiments with the individuality and multiplicity of the dancers through time and space; architecture and the urban context are invaded by the unfolding of a fleeting and persistent dance.

Frames was born as an intervention of public space for the inauguration of the 5th Vertientes International Festival in 2013. By then, it had eight dancers, who performed in the central square of the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center GAM (Santiago, CL). After the invitation of FiraTàrrega 2016 (ES) the piece was developed for five dancers. This version was also presented at Fitka 2016 (CL).


Direction: Rodrigo Chaverini.

Dancers: Francisco Bagnara, Rodrigo Chaverini, Cristian Hewitt, Nibaldo Manríquez, Magnus Rasmussen.

Sound: Emiliana Abril (Kinética).

Producer: Francisco Medina.


2013 / 18’ / General Audience / Team 7 people (chilean team), 3 people (with local artists)

  • Chaverini
  • Chaverini
  • Chaverini
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